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How to be Productive When Working from Home with a Toddler

Regardless of what you do to earn money from home, opting to ditch the daily commute to the office and go with the work-from-home set up offers an extensive range of benefits, especially to parents. One obvious benefit is that it gives you the chance to spend more time with your kids and family. It also helps you save on transportation as well as childcare if you’ve had to hire someone to look after the kids while you’re working. 

We can go all day talking about how working from home is a better option, especially for those people with children. Just imagine how it would be when you’re trying to meet a deadline and you have a toddler tugging at the hem of your shirt because they want to play?

The reality is that this new setup isn’t always an ideal or a perfect situation when you have kids. There are challenges and downsides to it, too. So how do you stay productive when working from home with a toddler? Here are some tips you might find handy.

Build yourself an office space

One of the challenges that comes with working from home is establishing strong boundaries between work and personal life. It’s not hard to lose focus on the task at hand when you’re with a child who tries to get your attention or you are surrounded by other distractions around the house.

Therefore, if you have a spare room at home or a quiet nook that’s not being used, consider converting the space into a home office. Turn it into a workspace where you can spend your shift and get work done. Set it up with everything you need – a desk, computer, keyboard, mouse, and other important office stuff. This way, you won’t have to be working in the living room in front of your toddler who is watching TV.

Establish your personal routine

If you have always been used to the traditional office setup, be aware that this new work-from-home set up may be a bit different. Because you may be working on a flexible schedule, it’s important to train yourself to be more disciplined to make sure things are getting done. 

No one will be watching your every move so managing your time and tasks will be all up to you. The key is to establish a routine that will work both for your professional and personal life. Balancing things may be easier said than done but it’s all a matter of training your brain when it should be in work mode versus play mode.

Create a schedule that will help you handle both your tasks and the needs of your toddler. Test this schedule out for a week and see if adjustments have to be made. Otherwise, stick to this routine to maintain the structure of your day and ensure productivity.

Manage expectations

Some people think that employees who are working from home are available 24/7. So if your boss has the same mindset, it’s imperative that you set his expectations. Inform your boss of the schedule that works for you and the maximum number of hours you can work in a day. If you can work for 8 to 10 hours a day, let them know that. If you also need your schedule to be more flexible, don’t hesitate to make arrangements, too. Keep the rest of the team informed, too.

Encourage independent play

Encouraging independent play isn’t only helpful to your toddler’s development. It can help you get some work done, too. Allow your toddler to enjoy some time playing by themselves. Give them their toys in a box or a bunch of activities that can keep them busy while you’re also busy with work.

Make the most of nap time

Your toddler’s nap time is also an excellent time for you to be productive. So, if your little one seems to be enjoying a deep slumber, don’t get tempted to attend to other stuff like fixing their mess or cleaning the house. Use this time to focus on your important work projects.

Look into putting your child back in daycare

Even if only part-time, putting your child back in daycare has many advantages for both of you. For you, it obviously gives you uninterrupted time to be productive. For your child, they get opportunities to learn and socialize outside of the family.

Being a stay-at-home working parent seems like every parent’s dream. However, things aren’t always easy to manage when you have a toddler crying for attention. If you find yourself sharing the same dilemma, try these helpful tips to stay productive when working home with kids. 

For more helpful parenting resources or if you’re looking for the best childcare provider for your child, please feel free to visit Cornerstone Learning Center