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Boredom Busters: 5 Fun Things to Do at Home with the Family

Certain circumstances that threaten the health and safety of communities require the implementation of lockdown or quarantine rules. The situation we’re currently in is one good example. Isolation during this time of pandemic is no easy thing to deal with. While it means having more parent-child bonding time, it’s not always unicorns and ice cream. The days may feel long and it can get crazy at times. Gatherings are cancelled and travel is prohibited. It may not sound fun and exciting, but don’t worry. With a little creativity, staying at home with the kids and the whole family can be turned into opportunities for connecting and bonding. Take a look at this list of boredom busters you can try to keep boredom at bay while on quarantine!

Move your bodies

One of the best ways to combat boredom and anxiety is to stay physically active. So go ahead and invite the whole family for a fun workout session or outdoor family game to get your bodies moving.

Find family yoga or exercise routines that are also kid-friendly. There are plenty of tutorials you check and follow online. If you’re up for some competition, then go ahead and put your game face on for an exciting family game. You can play tug of war, water balloon toss, or ball games, among others.

Instead of being glued to the TV screen all day long and living a sedentary lifestyle, this quarantine period is a perfect time to get more active, be healthy and bond with the entire family!

Get creative with arts and crafts

Another boredom buster any family with kids shouldn’t miss is making arts and crafts! Now that school is out and your little one has plenty of free time, it’s an excellent opportunity to encourage them to let their imagination run wild by making arts and crafts. Let them channel their creativity and imagination and give them materials to work on. Let them work on recycled materials such as plastic bottles, old newspapers, or paper cups. Have them create anything they can think of or give them ideas such as little dolls, paper planes and boats, or origami crafts. 

Whip up a new recipe in the kitchen

What better way to bond and enjoy the presence of family than to enjoy heartily prepared meals? Get your kids in the kitchen and be ready to get messy! Teach them how to whip up their favorite dessert or teach them how to make baked goodies. Make simple cookies, cupcakes or mini cakes and let them decorate these goodies with their choice of toppings.

You can also make dinner with their help. Ask them for suggestions on the menu and encourage their help in preparing and cooking the entire meal. 

Create indoor fun

Who says you can’t have fun while staying indoors? There are many exciting family activities you can do in the comfort of your home if you are creative. Having an indoor camp, for instance, is one of the things that kids will surely love! Create a makeshift tent using blankets. Then, stick glow-in-the-dark stickers on the wall or hang them from the ceiling. Get them their favorite storybooks and read them bedtime stories as they cozy up at night. 

During daytime, there are also other fun indoor activities you may want to explore. You can pull out old photo albums and enjoy the nostalgia while taking a trip down the memory lane. Tell fond stories of yesteryear when your child was still a tiny baby. Or play indoor games such as scavenger hunt or join them in their video games! It won’t hurt to enjoy a little screen time with your child, will it? 

Pull out old board games

Board games may seem a little old-fashioned for some, especially when most entertainment sources are in digital form. But, these classics are certified fail-proof when it comes to keeping the whole family entertained. So pull out old board games, play puzzles, snakes and ladders and all the other fun activities that are perfect for people of all ages!

With the help of these boredom busters, you’ll be having so much fun you won’t even notice the hours and days passing by!

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