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5 Tips to Boost Your Child’s Numeracy Skills

We deal with numbers every single day of our lives. Numeracy is what allows us to make sense of time, numbers, shapes and patterns. Because we use mathematics to meet the demands of our daily lives, it’s imperative that children develop solid numeracy skills early on.

As parents, we play an important role in developing our child’s numeracy skills. Building these skills during their early years can help prepare them for the future, especially when it comes to real life tasks like problem-solving and handling money. Whether they are sorting objects, learning how to count, or identifying shapes and patterns, children need to be given ample opportunities to develop and sharpen their skills with regard to numeracy.

Give your child the mathematical boost they need by following these helpful tips. 

Incorporate math into the conversation

In order to help enhance your child’s developing numeracy skills, we need to hone children’s language skills as they relate to math. There are plenty of activities that you can use at home with your little one to do this. All it takes is regular and frequent exposure to these concepts through these types of activities. 

Some of the things you can try include discussing examples of specific numbers as they relate to the usual things you do at home. For example, when you ask your child to bring or get an object, be specific: you might ask your child to grab four spoons and four forks. If children are old enough to understand the concept of measurements, such as liters and cups, you can involve your child in something like cooking as you measure ingredients. You can also have your child practice sorting while organizing books and toys. The truth is, math is  everywhere. The key is finding it and making use of the opportunities that surround us in everyday life. 

Teach your child how to count

Counting is one of the most fundamental math skills young kids need to learn at an early age.  Luckily, there are easy ways to help your child learn about numbers. For instance, you can use a rhyme or their favorite song as they become familiar with numbers, because this will give them the opportunity to say them repetitively. Young kids usually memorize spoken numbers before learning what numbers actually look like.

You can search the internet to find different rhymes and songs for kids on sites like YouTube. For example, take a look at catchy rhymes like “Five Little Monkeys”, “Five Little Ducks”, “1,2 Buckle my Shoe…” and a lot more! As soon as little ones become more familiar with counting singular objects, you can teach them how to count objects in groups. For example, ask your child to count how many buttons there are on his or her shirt, or count his or her fingers and toes. You can also use other objects like toys. In fact, it may help to encourage your child to arrange objects together as a way of making counting easier.

Inject some fun into learning through games and play

Who says learning mathematics has to be boring? Learning about math can actually be fun and exciting for kids. The key is finding a way to make your lessons fun and creative.

One of the things you can do with your child is sort straws into groups of different colors. You can also cut straws into various lengths and have your little one sort them according to size and color. Then your child can count the number of straws in each color group. Another activity is having your child sort them into size order, or create shapes and figures by gluing the cut straws onto a piece of paper. 

Teach children about patterns

The ability to identify patterns is another important step in helping children become more familiar with numbers. You can help your child develop this skill by asking him or her to identify patterns on items around your home like wrapping paper, clothing, the walls or any other material. Encourage young children to create a pattern of their own too, so they can practice flexing their motor skills through drawing. 

Create fun arts and crafts activities that involve math

Another fun way to improve your child’s numeracy skills is through arts and crafts. You can have your child create a colorful collage using various materials such as different shapes of pasta or sticks. Making fun accessories together is also another great idea! Collect beads in different shapes, colors and sizes. Create bracelets or necklaces while letting your child count the number of beads they use as they add them onto each string.

Mathematics can be such a fun concept for little ones to learn. You can boost your child’s numeracy skills during his or her early years by following these tips. 

For more tips on parenting, or if you’re looking for the best preschool for your little one, please visit Cornerstone Learning Center.