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How Digital Detox Can Benefit your Child

Nowadays, most people spend a significant amount each day utilizing technology. For kids, this can mean anything from playing video games to watching TV or texting. While technology has numerous benefits, it also brings with it some potential pitfalls of which parents should be aware. For parents who feel like their children are more connected… Continue reading How Digital Detox Can Benefit your Child

Tips for Parenting Strong-Willed Children

Do you find yourself wondering why your child refuses to be persuaded by rewards and opts to follow their own rules? You could be raising a strong-willed child. Parenting strong-willed children can be a challenge. These types of children tend to want what they want, try to make their own rules, and can not be… Continue reading Tips for Parenting Strong-Willed Children

How to Deal with a Clingy Toddler

Many children can become anxious or clingy when they are separated from people they know and trust. Separation anxiety is usually the most intense when children are between 9-18 months old. Then it tends to improve as they reach age three. These stages harmonize through the phases of child development. In this post, we’ll provide… Continue reading How to Deal with a Clingy Toddler

How to Be a Nurturing Parent

As parents, our primary role is to love our kids, ensure that their needs are met, give them the best life we can, and keep them safe. However, true parenting goes even deeper. In addition to making sure your child’s basic needs are being met, it’s just as important to be a nurturing parent to… Continue reading How to Be a Nurturing Parent