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How to Be a Nurturing Parent

As parents, our primary role is to love our kids, ensure that their needs are met, give them the best life we can, and keep them safe. However, true parenting goes even deeper. In addition to making sure your child’s basic needs are being met, it’s just as important to be a nurturing parent to your little one.

What does it mean to be a nurturing parent?

Nurturing parenting is more than just being there when your child needs you. It’s also about all of those little things that add up as you provide an environment in which your child will thrive. Being a nurturing parent entails building a loving relationship with your child, and creating a positive foundation that will enable him or her to grow up to be a healthy and happy adult.

Nurturing parents understand that the most important aspect of parenting is truly showing your child that he or she is loved and cared for. At its core, it means giving children unconditional love, structure, and the tools needed to help them build their self-esteem while learning how to show respect for others.

Creating a loving and nurturing relationship with your little one requires time and effort, but will ultimately be so rewarding. Help your child grow into a healthy and well-balanced individual by incorporating these qualities of being a nurturing parent into your relationship with your little one.

Spend quality time together

A fundamental need for all children is their parent’s time and attention. It’s so vital that we as parents remain directly involved and engaged with our kids. Given the number of responsibilities you juggle each day, it can be challenging to balance parenting with everything else on your plate. However, nothing is more important than making time for your kids. And there are many ways to do so, such as playing games, reading books together, cooking meals, creating arts and crafts, and any other activities that allow you to interact with your child one-on-one.

Make them feel loved and secure

Strengthening our relationships with our children means ensuring that they feel loved and secure. There will be times when your child will test your patience, push your buttons, and test limits, and that’s a normal part of growing up. However, it’s crucial that children know they are loved, even if they misbehave.

Children should never have to feel that their actions, good or bad, determine the amount of love they deserve. Children deserve hugs and appreciation, even when they require discipline or consequences for poor behavior. Remember to address your child’s misbehavior with loving guidance instead of resorting to physical punishment or withholding of love.

Establish routines

Creating schedules and routines for your child is also a crucial part of nurturing. Consistent routines play an important role in helping a child feel safe and secure. A sense of predictability and knowing what is expected of them gives kids a sense of clarity and direction, which makes it easier to instill discipline and manage behavior during difficult moments.

Listen to your kids

If there’s one person your child feels safe and comfortable to talk to about anything, it should be you. Just like adults, young kids also encounter moments in which they feel anxious, worried, scared, and confused. Because they’re young, the ability to process these emotions doesn’t always come easily. That’s why you’re there.

Be sure to listen to your little ones when they come to you to discuss the events of their day or what’s on their minds. Give them undivided attention, no matter how silly or petty their concerns may seem. Lending a listening ear is an important way for you to let children know that you care about what’s going on in their lives.

Use physical touch to show affection

One of the best ways to bond with your child is through physical touch. Whether it’s a warm embrace, a pat on the back, holding hands, or a peck on the cheek, these types of physical reassurances can mean a world of difference when it comes to assuring your child of your love and strengthening your connection.

Nurturing children from an early age can help them grow into healthy and happy individuals. Follow these tips to help you become a more nurturing parent, which in turn will help your little one lead a better life.

For more helpful tips and resources on parenting, please visit Cornerstone Learning Center.