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How to Support Your Child’s Academic Performance

What are your child’s views toward school? Does school feel more like a chore than a priority to your child? Do our kids understand why we give them pep talks about their academic progress and stress the importance of education and good academic performance? While school success may not entirely predict a child’s success as an adult, it is vital in preparing them for the real world. A child who excels in school has an increased chance of finding a great job. 

Parents play an important role in their children’s academic performance. From attending parent-teacher conferences to asking key questions, parents can have a significant impact on their child’s learning. 

As a parent, there are several things you can do to help your child succeed in school and increase his or her motivation. Take a look at this list for more info!

Get involved in your child’s education

Parent involvement in every child’s education is crucial. It is one of the keys to boosting our children’s academic performance. 

There are many ways for parents to get involved in their children’s schooling. First, be sure to stay on top of all aspects of your child’s school activities and learning. Make it a habit to check in with kids regularly and see if there are any areas of their academics with which they need help or guidance. It’s also important for parents to make time for attending school events and parent-teacher meetings. Depending on your availability and commitments, you may also choose to get involved by volunteering at your child’s school. In addition to helping to increase your awareness about your child’s education,  your involvement will also help cultivate a more positive attitude towards school with your child. 

Dedicate a space for homework in your home

Some children learn best curled up in bed while studying or reading a book, while others need a dedicated space in their home for doing homework. Regardless of your child’s preference, make sure your little one has a dedicated space where he or she can study and complete assignments. This space should be quiet, free of distractions, and conducive to learning so children can focus on their homework in an efficient manner. 

Make sure children enjoy a healthy diet

Not only is good nutrition vital to children’s physical health, but it also has a direct impact on their mental capacity. 

Several studies have shown how balanced meals packed with essential vitamins and minerals have a positive effect on a child’s cognitive abilities and intelligence. Be sure to serve your child healthy meals regularly. Children’s diets should be balanced and include fruits, vegetables, and foods that are high in protein and fiber. Monitor your child’s sugar intake, especially during snack time.

Limit screen time

The effects of too excessive screen time are far-reaching and detrimental to our children’s overall well-being. When kids spend too much time on electronic devices or watching TV, this can affect how they learn, grow, and function as individuals.  Studies show that too much screen time can have a negative impact on children’s learning, memory, retention, and cognitive abilities. It can even impair youngsters’ brain structure and functioning, and can even result in mood swings, insomnia, and other problems at school.

Be mindful of how much time your child is spending using electronics. If children are given the privilege of watching tv and using mobile phones and game consoles occasionally, this does not mean they should be permitted to have full reign or unlimited time on these screens. Parents need to put a limit on children’s screen time use. Set specific rules about screen time in your home so you can help your child avoid harmful effects, especially those that can be detrimental to their learning and development.

Communicate with your child about the ways in which you can support their learning 

Communication plays a vital role in children’s academic performance. Make sure you carve out time to talk to your kids and find out how they’re doing at school. Ask about what kinds of activities they did during the day, what their favorite part of the day was, or their favorite game. The important thing is that you’re encouraging open communication with your child so he or she will feel comfortable talking to you about any challenges they may face along the way.  

As a parent, you can have a meaningful and positive influence on your child’s education. Follow these tips to help boost your child’s academic performance and set your little one on the path to success. 

Here at Cornerstone Learning Center, we offer a warm and learning environment that helps children reach their potential and promote long-term success. Visit our website to learn more.