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Parenting Tips: How to Teach Kindness to your Child

Whether we like it or not, we live in a world where exhibiting kindness and compassion seems harder than it used to. Apathy and unkindness aren’t new, but with the convenience offered by technology, passing judgment on others becomes easier. Is this the kind of environment we want to raise our child in? It’s not always easy to be kind. It’s not always easy to help others. However, in this cruel and tough world, we need to practice being kind to one another. And as a parent, it’s part of your job to teach your little one about kindness. You have an important role to play in instilling kindness in them so that it becomes a lifelong habit. Not sure how to get started? Here are some tips to help teach kindness to your child.

Teach empathy

Teaching empathy is one of the steps to teaching a child how to be kind. Young kids aren’t automatically aware of the things they say and do. So before they act, always be there to remind them to put themselves in other people’s shoes. Ask them how they’d feel if someone else did or said something bad to them. What if another kid took away their toy, made fun of their shirt, or embarrassed them in front of other kids? When you ask them these questions, you are teaching them to think first before they act. You are teaching them to be more kind, sensitive and considerate.

Perform acts of kindness

Exhibiting kindness doesn’t require any grand gestures. Kindness can be shown even in the smallest of ways. It can come in many forms. Kind words, a sweet smile or small acts of service can go a long way. Make kindness part of your lives so that your little one learns about it within your family. If there’s an old lady who needs a helping hand at the grocery store, help her. Find opportunities to be kind to others even in small ways. If your child sees compassion, kindness and helpfulness being practiced around them, they are going to follow suit. 

Practice saying positive things

It’s always easy to let complaints come out of our mouth when we experience bad things. However, if you want to instill kindness in your kids, it’s important to teach them the habit of saying only positive things. It’s important that they learn to say things that uplift others instead of putting them down. Even if they have negative things to say, teach them to hold their tongue so as not to hurt other people’s feelings. Teach them and help them find the good in the bad. For example, if a peer doesn’t really do well in reading, instead of making fun of them, your child can offer words of encouragement and praise that friend for trying. 

It’s always good to find something nice to say to someone. It can brighten up their day, lighten their load and put a smile on their faces.

Teach them the attitude of gratitude

Learning how to be grateful is part of learning how to be kind. Raise a kind child by teaching them the attitude of gratitude. Besides saying thank you, teach them to be appreciative and grateful for the things they have. Teach them to be thankful to those who are nice and who are showing them kindness. Set a good example for them to follow. Give thanks to the guy who delivered your food on time. Thank a stranger who helped you load your grocery bags into the car. 

In a myriad of bad things happening all around us, the only thing the world needs now is kindness. And there are so many opportunities to exhibit and practice kindness. All we need to do is to look for them. Help your little one grow to be a happy, kind and loving person. Use this guide to teach kindness. Not only will encouraging your little one to be kind make them feel better about themselves, but it will also make the place they live in better, too.

Because being kind to others is one of the most valuable lessons we can teach our children, be sure to send them to a school that teaches values like kindness, too – Cornerstone Learning Center. Please feel free to give us a call for more information.