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4 Benefits of Teaching Emotional Intelligence During Early Childhood

Emotional intelligence is a vital part of development for both children and adults. “Emotional intelligence” refers to our ability to recognize our own emotions as well as the emotions of others. A person’s success in life, both personally and professionally, isn’t solely determined by his or her intellectual capacity. An individual’s Emotional Quotient (EQ) (or emotional intelligence) is also equally important. This is where the value of teaching emotional intelligence comes in. 

When we teach young kids about the factors that make up one’s emotional intelligence, we give them an opportunity to learn how to identify their feelings, and better understand what causes these feelings.  In doing so, we also teach our children appropriate ways of dealing with their emotions, as they learn how to establish healthy relationships with the people around them. This helps improve their quality of life as a whole. 

Emotional intelligence is undoubtedly one of the key stepping stones to success. As parents, we play an important role in helping our children develop emotional intelligence. Read on and learn about the benefits of teaching emotional intelligence during early childhood.

Increased self-awareness

Self-awareness refers to one’s ability to recognize and understand their own emotions and feelings. When we are self-aware, it helps us tune in to our own thoughts and behaviors, and better understand how our actions affect others. A child who is more self-aware will find it easier to build positive relationships with peers at school. A self-aware child is also better equipped to recognize his or her own strengths and weaknesses, in addition to being able to express himself or herself more effectively. 

Better emotion regulation

The capacity to regulate one’s emotions doesn’t come naturally to young kids. We aren’t born with this skill. Some kids struggle with emotion regulation because of their innate personality or temperament. Regulating emotions is something children can develop over time with the help of parents, as they are taught the skills needed to develop emotional intelligence. 

The ability to self-regulate helps a child manage his or her emotions and behave appropriately in order to meet the demands of a situation. Regulating our emotions helps us stay calm and composed, despite upsetting circumstances, so we have an outburst out of frustration. Like any skill, emotion regulation is something that children can learn and practice when teaching them emotional intelligence. Keep in mind, regulating one’s emotions is not about avoiding situations that your child might find challenging. It’s about guiding your child to remain calm and exhibit appropriate behavior despite feeling negative emotions. 

Increased empathy

Part of teaching children about emotional intelligence is helping them develop empathy. Empathy is about putting oneself in someone else’s “shoes” so we can better understand what the other person is feeling and experiencing.

However, children don’t automatically understand empathy during their early years. They tend to think about their own needs and put themselves first most of the time, which is normal and natural. Learning about the importance of empathy is a crucial part of children’s emotional and social development. Having empathy helps them build stronger relationships with other kids and adults. It promotes better mental health, harmony with others, and higher levels of happiness and satisfaction. 

A child who knows how to empathize is someone who has the ability to understand others. This will help your child cultivate positive relationships, both personally and professionally later in life. Having empathy leads to higher chances of success in the future. 

Improved social skills

Gaining positive social skills is an integral part of a child’s holistic growth and development. These skills are essential in preparing young kids for a future of harmonious interactions in all facets of life. 

The term social skills refers to one’s ability to display good manners, make friends, effectively communicate and express himself or herself, and to consider other people’s feelings. Because kids aren’t naturally socially adept, parents need to do their part when it comes to instilling positive social skills in their children at an early age. You can start with simple things, such as reminding your child to share a snack or toy, or encouraging him or her to help out with tasks at home. You can also help enhance your child’s social skills by setting up playdates with his or her peers. 

Teaching the skills of emotional intelligence during early childhood is one of the most important things parents can do to help their kids achieve success in life. Help young children develop their “EQ” so they can be better equipped to overcome challenges and enjoy a positive quality of life.

Here at Cornerstone Learning Center, one of our priorities is your child’s emotional and social development. Give your child the holistic education he or she deserves. Contact us for more information.